Over the past week plus or so I’ve felt myself grow increasingly short tempered. Why? I don’t know. Lack of sleep? Maybe. Frustration at my lot in life? A bit perhaps. Short tempered has led to a growing and impotent rage. Every now and again it rears it’s ugly head and, as usual, I don’t have the first clue about what to do about it. There are so many things to be justifiably pissed about but that by no means encompasses the rage I feel. I could “woulda, coulda, shoulda” myself til the cows some home and still not find any answers.

Politics is part of it as usual. Seeing Kamala Harris doing so well in polls despite being stupid as a bag of rocks and selling herself out to the first (and not necessarily the highest) bidder while still being lauded by an adoring mass of idiots and Trump haters leads the list. Watching her vice presidential nominee receive the same tongue bath reception from an adoring press is another reason. On a MUCH more personal level, resentment towards having to be up[ at 2:30 in the morning to make ends meet chafes endlessly.

This post is woefully incomplete but so is my self analysis. Sue me! I’m using putting out there the first crap that came to mind.

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